Monday, 1 June 2015

To the Lake

A new track from the 'Wild Wedding' EP: 'To the Lake'.

This is a haunted duet featuring the brooding vocals of Ian Williams from the Dead Flowers band, alongside a perfectly poised piano performance from my very own brother, Lawrence, and soaring violin solos from Jonathan Chan aka. Shekon.

Next Monday I'll post the final track from the Wild Wedding EP, 'Song of the Dreamer'. All those who pre-ordered the release have now been sent their digital downloads of the EP in full and CDs are on the way.

I would like to go with you to sit by the lake, 
Under the haunted blue light of the moon. 
And there we would see in the darkness our love, 
In all the depth and the black, the light and the blue: 
Our love without end, all around. 

I would not put you to counting the ways, 
The various ways that you love me. 
For love was not meant to be counted 
Like years on the rings of a fallen tree, 
Like the years gone by. 
Love is more likely seen in the gaping, scape of the sky. 

I would like to go with you to the world's edge 
Where nothing is outspread below, 
And then down into the dark heaven 
With hand holding hand we would go.


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